BYLAWS for the University of Cincinnati STUDENT CHAPTER of the







���� 1.�� The name of this organization shall be the University of Cincinnati Student

���������� Chapter of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences

���������� (INFORMS).





���� 1.�� To encourage interest in the field of operations research and the management

���������� sciences;


���� 2.�� To provide a means of communication between people having interest in the

���������� management sciences and operations research;


���� 3.�� To provide an informal means of exchanging information about operations

���������� research and the management sciences educational programs and opportunities;


���� 4.�� To provide an informal means of exchanging information about the methods and

����������� techniques of the management sciences and operations research;


���� 5.�� To present a forum of visiting or in-house speakers from both academic and non-

���������� academic environments.




���� 1.�� Any persons interested in� operations research and/or the management sciences

���������� may become a member of this Chapter by completing a membership application

���������� and submitting it with the proper dues.


���� 2.�� The regular membership shall be open to undergraduate and graduate students at

����������� the University of Cincinnati.


���� 3.�� Honorary memberships shall be decided by a two-thirds approval vote of the

���������� regular memberships in attendance at any meeting.


���� 4.�� All members shall have equal rights, duties, and privileges.� Dues shall be payable

���������� at the beginning of the Fall term each year.


���� 5.�� Membership and participation shall be free from discrimination based on race,

���������� religion, ethnic group, national origin, handicap, sex, or sexual orientation.





���� 1.�� Officers of the organization and their duties shall be the following:


�������������� President: Shall preside at meetings and represent the group in external affairs.


�������������� Vice President:� Shall take over the duties of the president in his/her absence.�

�������������� He/She shall also administer all cultural and social activities.


�������������� Secretary:� Shall take the minutes of the meetings and shall be responsible for

�������������� such matters as correspondence and notification of meetings.� The secretary

�������������� shall maintain contact with INFORMS liaison (as designated by the INFORMS

�������������� Board) and shall file an annual report describing the Chapter's activities and

�������������� financial state.


�������������� Treasurer:� Shall be responsible for all financial matters, including all financial

�������������� records and an annual financial statement to be included with the annual report.�

�������������� The treasurer shall keep accounts, deposit the organization's funds, and make

�������������� expenditures in a fiscally sound manner.


���� 2.�� Terms of Office:� The terms of each office shall be one complete school year.�

���������� Each officer will be elected at the April meeting of the Spring term.� The elected

���������� officer must receive a majority of the votes cast by members present.


���� 3.�� Nominations:�� At the penultimate meeting, the officers shall nominate at least one

���������� candidate for each of the four officer positions being filled, namely, President,

�� ��������Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.� Additional nominations may be made by

���������� petition signed by at least five members or from the floor of an election meeting.


���� 4.�� Voting:� Elections shall be held by secret ballot at the last general meeting of the

���������� Officer's term of office.� A majority of ballots cast by members for each office

���������� shall be necessary for election.� Ties shall be resolved by means of fair random

���������� processes.








���� The Chapter will hold at least two meetings per term.� The time, place, and agenda of

���� each meeting shall be set by the Officers and announced one week in advance by the

���� Secretary.





���� The Chapter and its officers, under Charter from INFORMS, are accountable to the

���� Institute for all operations and procedures of the Chapter. The INFORMS Board may

���� suspend or revoke the Charter of the Chapter for inappropriate operations and/or

���� procedures.





���� Dues to defer annual operating expenses may be assessed on all members by a

���� majority vote of those present at a meeting.





���� Amendments to the Bylaws may be made in any meeting following an announcement

���� in a previous meeting or by the Secretary.� The Secretary, no later than seven days

���� before the next meeting, shall submit in writing the proposed Amendment to all

���� members of the Chapter and the vote will occur at the next meeting.� The Amendment

���� must be approved by two-thirds of the members present.� Following approval by the

���� Chapter, the Amendment must be sent to the INFORMS liaison who will present the

���� Amendment to the INFORMS Board.� The Amendment becomes effective when

���� approved by the INFORMS Board.